In Part 5 Pond Construction – Koi Tunnel, Underlayment & Pond Liner Installation I talked about adding the liner to the pond. I also talked about adding a Koi tunnel and the importance of using underlayment. In this post we start getting into the fun stuff. I am filling up pond with water. This part of the process is pretty easy. While you fill it with water you want to try and reduce some of the wrinkles.
Materials Needed
- Garden Hose
- Utility Knife
As I filled up the pond I cut some of the extra slack on the liner using a utility knife. You want to make sure you leave enough liner for the install of rocks and boulders. I also wanted extra because I wanted some of the rocks along the edge to actually sit in the water. I also installed the fountain pump. I mounted it to the top of a piece of cinder block so that it would be the proper height. For extra protection I glued a piece of liner to the bottom of the cinder block. I also installed the air stone.
I then filled up the entire pond and it was time to inspect the installation.
I love snorkeling but usually in saltwater with stuff to see but I didn’t pass up this opportunity to try it in my own backyard. Basically I wanted to see what the pond looked like from the inside and it was pretty cool. I also made sure there were no holes or punctures. It is much easier to deal with that now than later. After inspecting the pond I lowered water level and then I attached the liner to the skimmer. After attaching the liner to the skimmer I filled it back up and tried it all out. It was time to test the waterfall area. Without rocks I just wanted to see what the flow looked like.
Next Post: Part 7 Pond Construction – Adding Pond Plants